A home for those who are weak
"Sagip (a Filipino word which means, "to save") Community Life Center is a non-profit, non-stock organization that cares for the poor and the homeless.
We will provide specialized medical and dental care to the poor and the homeless.
We will be reaching out to more than 1,000 families living below food thresholds.
We will empower patients to manage their diseases through trainings & Biblical principles.
A Not So Ordinary Health Clinic
Reaching the urban poor families in the heart of manila
We are
…a community of believers in the heart of Manila serving among the poor.
Being one of the most densely populated cities in the world, poverty has hugely affected our community. The households in our neighborhood lack in provisions, the little income that they have goes to food, having a meal once a day. Becoming aware of their health conditions, we were moved to take action.
We want to see
…communities affected by poverty become healthier, empowered & transformed by the love of Christ.
We want to help our community by opening a medical home for the poorest of the poor. By having a facility that can help remedy their chronic illnesses, we will be able to usher them back to being productive members of the society, able to work and fend for themselves.
We are looking for
…partners who can serve with us and support our cause.
We believe that God has planted a compassionate heart among His people. It is part of our call as His children to be His hands and feet in the world. Whoever you are, wherever you are, there is a role that you can take.
Partner with us today.
Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed;
save me, and I shall be saved,
for you are my praise.
Jeremiah 17:14