Opening an Opportunity for Blessing: Canada Trip 2018
The ministry for the poor never stops. Jesus himself said that we will always have the poor with us (Mark. 14:7) and thus the opportunity for blessing them is ever present. It is always a privilege and responsibility for SAGIP to open these opportunities for believers to be a blessing.
Last July 2018, a team from SBCC travelled to Edmonton, Canada to present such opportunity and cause a channel of blessing to flow to communities even from thousands of miles away.
The ministry of SAGIP was presented to different churches across Edmonton with talks, videos and pamphlets to introduce people to the work being done for urban poor communities in Metro Manila. Part of the team were Pastor Dave Trinidad, Senior Pastor of SBCC and his wife, Nory Trinidad, their daughter Bea Trinidad, Dr. Richard Trinidad, and the young family of Eliel and Jenny Carlos with their two year old daughter, Andi.
The team was also able to talk to a small group from Southwest Bible Church in Portland, Oregon. This meeting resulted in the introduction of John and Jem Winquist from Hand of Hope Northwest who had access to donated medical equipment just waiting for a Christian health clinic. These equipment were suddenly on their way to Manila, filling up a 40-ft container!
After 20 days, the team was able to visit 3 Canadian churches and one bible study group in the US, bringing home provision for people that need them along with stories and full hearts from witnessing what God has done. This trip was indeed a testament to how God provides for the work that He purposed. What seems impossible for men is possible with God. Each of us is a piece of a puzzle completing his grand plan. All we have to do is to follow where He leads.